Fire insurance claims can be denied for any number of reasons, from fire safety violations to late payment of premiums. If you think your fire insurance claim might be denied, it’s important to fully understand why it might happen and how you can avoid losing money in the process. To help you out, here are 10 reasons your fire insurance claim might be denied, along with tips on how to address these potential issues if they apply to you.

1) Purposely set fires

Arson is one of the most common reasons that fire insurance claims are denied. If the insurance company can prove that you deliberately set the fire, they will not have to pay out on your claim. When trying to collect money from an insurance company for an intentionally set fire, it’s important to find a lawyer who specializes in arson cases.

2) Lack of documentation or evidenc

If you don’t have the right documentation or evidence, your fire insurance claim might be denied. For example, if you don’t have a police report or witness statements, it may be difficult to prove that the fire was caused by arson. If you don’t have enough evidence of the damage, the insurance company may not believe that the fire was as severe as you claim.

3) Altered your home before the fire

If you made any changes to your home before the fire, your insurance company may deny your claim. For example, if you added an extension to your home or changed the roofing material, the insurance company could argue that the fire would have been less severe if your home had not been altered. To avoid this issue, be sure to get any changes to your home approved by your insurance company before making them.

4) Didn’t have a smoke detector in your home

If you don’t have a working smoke detector in your home, your fire insurance claim could be denied. Here’s why: 

– Smoke detectors are required by law in most states. 

– Smoke detectors save lives by providing an early warning of a fire. 

– Without a working smoke detector, you may not have enough time to escape a fire.

5) Started fires on purpose in your yard

Arson is one of the most common reasons that fire insurance claims are denied. If there’s evidence that you started the fire on purpose, your claim will likely be denied. If you accidentally started a fire in your yard, it can still be covered by insurance if it was accidental and not deliberate.

6) Are using space heaters improperly

Space heaters are a great way to stay warm in the winter, but they can also be dangerous if used improperly. Most space heaters should not be used close to furniture or other items that might catch fire. They should not be operated while people are sleeping or while children and pets are present. If you use one, make sure it is well-ventilated and turned off when you leave the room or go to sleep.

7) Accidental electrical fires

– If the fire was caused by an electrical appliance that was not properly maintained, your claim could be denied.

– If the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit, your claim could be denied.

– If the fire was caused by an overloaded electrical circuit, your claim could be denied.

– If the fire was caused by a defective electrical product, your claim could be denied.

– If you have a history of making small fires, your insurance company may deny your claim

8) Accidental fires when smoking or cooking indoors

– If you’re smoking indoors and cause a fire, your insurance company may deny your claim. They may argue that you were careless and should have known better than to smoke inside.

– If you’re cooking indoors and cause a fire, your insurance company may also deny your claim. They could argue that you were negligent in not properly supervising your cooking.

– If the fire was caused by an electrical malfunction, your insurance company may deny your claim.

9) Accidental fires while working on electrical outlets or switches

If you cause an accidental fire while working on an electrical outlet or switch, your insurance company may deny your claim.  The policy does not cover losses that result from wilful and malicious acts of the insured person. That’s because such a loss could have been prevented with reasonable care by the insured person and the insurer is not liable for losses caused by a failure to exercise such care.

10) Accidental kitchen fires (hot grease and utensils, appliances, etc.)

– One of the most common reasons why kitchen fires happen is because people leave hot grease and utensils unattended. 

– If you have an appliance in your kitchen that is faulty or old, it could be the cause of a fire. 

– Not having a working smoke alarm in your kitchen is another reason why your claim might be denied.